While the CICG had become somewhat of our home in the past ten years, we thought we could venture outside of its walls and use the city of Geneva and its landmarks as our practice field. These workshops, hosted directly where their topics are being researched, built upon and brought to market, allowed you to discover these pockets of innovation while immersing yourself in the right environment for the tasks at hand.

Microbiology: bringing innovation into healthcare
Workshop taking place at the University of Geneva
For a long time, the microbe world has been only associated with dangerous diseases or un-friendly contaminations. These times are finally coming to an end. This old paradigm is slowly changing into a brand new perspective: the microbe world is one of our best allies to improve our health! During this workshop you will uncover the role that bacteria can play in regulating our metabolism, improving our immune responses or even in controlling our behavior.
Hardcore Hardware Fantasies
Workshop and visit taking place at CERN
CERN is a harbour for advanced hardware that’s purpose is to be able to see the unseen. During this workshop, you will get to explore what these capabilities could mean in the human realm. For example, it is possible to sense magnetic fields by embedding magnets under your skin. What kind of a technologically viable sensing superpower will you imagine to existence with the help of technological mentors from CERN? A visit will also be organized for the ones who are more about exploring with their eyes than with their hands.
These programs at CERN will feature a worthy introduction from Markus Nordberg (the head of Development and Innovation Unit ) followed up by Monica Bello (head of Arts@CERN) combining points of views from physics and arts worlds.
Being a Data Journalist: the tedious road to decrypting the world
Workshop taking place at RTS
Our challenge: making sense of numbers or any other data to identify the social, political and economical realities of today. How to find the right database or, even harder, how to build the right one? When writing a story based on a set of data, what are the traps to avoid? Journalists from the Radio Télévision Suisse will welcome you at their headquarters for a practical exercice: finding good data and analyzing them, discussing editorial choices and defining the right angles to reach a large audience.
Creating the future of sustainable energy
Workshop and visit taking place at SIG
Energy, ecology and digital are increasingly intertwined. Taken alone, each of these topics is powerful; now imagine what they can do together! How might we transition to models that are desirable for our society and our users, and that are also technologically feasible and economically sustainable? In this Lift on Site, we will dive head first with a visit into the guts of the Seujet dam, on the Rhône river, in the center of Geneva and brainstorm together in a lively and action-oriented workshop on one central question: What business models could we imagine to transition faster to sustainable energy (environmental and social impact), using digital technologies and generating economic value (economic viability)?
Leapfrogging as an Innovation Pattern: how African entrepreneurs are taking the fast-track
Workshop taking place at Seedspace
With no legacy systems or traditional modus operandi ingrained in people’s minds, entrepreneurs on the African continent are finding ways to sidestep structural blockage. From electricity to internet, from health to banking, entrepreneurs are consistently choosing new and innovative ways of doing things fast and with little resources. Taking real-life examples from entrepreneurs and innovators met throughout the African continent, this workshop will look into what bootstrapping means when creating value for a global market.
Internet of Food?
Workshop organized with Pangloss Labs
Much of our digital world fits in an app, but we can’t eat pixels, no matter how realistic they look. But sensors and robotics are improving in leaps and bounds. Can we use digital technology to grow better food? Should we? In this workshop we’ll explore foodsheds, energy flows, ecosystems design and the roles and vulnerability of technology in ecological systems.
Away From the Public Eye: encrypting your digital life
Workshop and visit taking place at Club Suisse de la Presse
This workshop will focus on collaborative knowledge, where everyone in the room can come to the floor and share with the others some useful security tricks, such as:
- Basics of computer security (MacOs, Windows, Linux)
- Protecting Bios
- Thinking about using Linux as main system, or a "Live Booting Linux " as a spare operating system (TAILS, Ubuntu, etc...)
- Using encryption on your laptop hard rive (MacOs, Windows, Linux)
- Creating encrypted volumes and/or USB (MacOs, Windows, Linux)
- Erasing a file securely, EXIF and metadata (hidden data in files)
- Securing the browsing and web anonymity, using tools as VPN
- Securing your social networks and web services with strong passwords and two-factors authentication
- Understanding permissions on web connectors and mobile devices
- Mobile Security
- Understanding secure communications and messaging
Children : build your own future!
Workshop taking place at Centre Universitaire d'Informatique with Kidimake
In our technological world, it is important for the younger generations to master the various digital tools available and to develop into actors rather than just technological consumers. The goal of this workshop is to propose to children aged 6 to 11 a taste of how digital tools can be used to develop their creative thinking abilities. A wide set of activities ranging from 3D modeling, robotics to programming will be proposed in a “learning by doing” setting. No prior knowledge is required. Just come to discover, create, be amazed and learn with and by others!
Workshop en français, ouvert au public.
Lift Youth: Make your own Tetra Pak Camera!
Workshop with CineGlobe Film Festival
Have you ever wanted to try analog photography, but don’t want to put money into an old fashioned camera? Ever wanted to print photos with your kids, but are afraid of all the nasty chemicals? Now’s your chance to try your hand at analog photography, using only an old Tetra-Pak milk container, coffee, and some vitamin C. You’ll make your own pinhole-camera, and develop photos with a non-toxic mix that’s available to anyone. Perfect for kids 6 and up, this workshop teaches resourcefulness, creativity, and most importantly, how photography really works.
Workshop in English, open to the public.