Sabina Barcucci

Project manager at the MUSE Science Museum, runs the MUSE Fablab, one of the first fablab set up in a science center
Architect, Edu-Maker and Cultural Manager

Sabina Barcucci is an architect, a edu-maker and a cultural manager. Since 2013, she has been working at the MUSE Science Museum as project manager and running the MUSE Fablab, one of the first fablab set up in a science center. Since that time, she poduced and managed several projects on maker education with schools, community-based technology development, open innovation and co-creation formats for tech companies. She recently also joined the team of OpenDot, a Milan-based fablab, where she keeps playing in the melting pot of open design, EDU and technology through her projects management.

She is part of the ECSITE Makerspace network, a worldwide team of museum and tinkering experts reflecting on the role of making and open platforms for STEAM dissemination in museums and science centers. She has spoken at FOSSa Conference, ECSITE Conference, Share Festival, Internet Festival, RAI national italian radio, among other contexts.