Internet of Things: next steps and visions of the future

Wed, Feb. 25 2009 - 10:00
  • Co-founder and chief product officer of EVRYTHNG


This intimate workshop is open to all who are interested in scenario building for the future of the internet of things. With the recent developments in small tangible ubiquitous computing and information platforms such as Nabaztag, Mir:ror, the iPhone, Arduino we would like to think about what we can expect that to mean in 2050. Let's put aside current infrastructure, and technology-lead problems and really focus on the use cases, the possible scenarios for living, working and sustaining ourselves in the next 50 years with the help of networked objects.

The workshop will be focused on producing scenarios and outcomes that can be shared with the rest of LIFT during either through a poster session or a short talk. The outcomes of the workshop will also be documented and shared with a larger community through the Web of Things website where the workshop's findings and scenarios will help start a community of makers and thinkers around the world to build together our connected future.

*UPDATE*: We decided to move it to the morning. We plan to start around 9:30 to have some extra time.

Number of motivated participants: 25

Workshop leads: Vlad Trifa / Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino / Dominique Guinard


Quick round table of workshop leads and participants and their interests
Introduction and presentation to the group

Definition of interesting scenarios axis
Participants are put in groups

Brainstorm starts

Each group presents their scenarios to the rest
Q&A in response

Documentation and close-up of the workshop