In coproduction with Breathing Games, Swiss Game Center, Fondation Genevoise de Lutte contre la Mucoviscidose, and Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève.

After launching the Health Game Jam at Lift16, we were delighted to welcome for the second time the Health Game Jam at Lift:Lab17. In collaboration with Breathing Games and the Swiss Game Center, we hosted a co-creation event that added a layer of fun and gamification to cystic fibrosis therapy for children. The goal of the Game Jam at Lift:Lab17 was to continue the developement of their innovative solutions addressing respiratory disorders in general, such as asthma, and to advance their hardware & software while simultaneously co-designing their socio-economic model.

With the help of game designers, health specialists and UX designers, this trans-disciplinary team continued to design exciting and imaginative game levels as well as low-tech connecting devices for patients. It was also for them a good opportunity to extend their community to increase the project's impact in the long run. 

Have a look at their experience at Lift:Lab17 and stay tuned for more news about them.