Big ideas: how co-creation, citizen journalism and the copyright-less economy are changing the rules

From co-creation to citizen journalism via the copyright-less economy, technology and communications are changing the rules. Big ideas are those that concern us all.

Design to make the life of people better: from strategy to pixels, from screens to devices, from business structures to experiences

Design is about making the life of people better. We've invited designers from across the spectrum of design, from strategy to pixels, from screens to devices, from business structures to experiences.

Emerging technologies: From RFID to nano tech

From RFID (the identification chips embedded in all objects) to nano tech, we are going to discuss technologies that are just starting to create an impact on our world. Folks from the labs are going to take off their white coats and tell us what's coming.

Global Solidarity: solutions to complex problems saving lives

Geneva is not only the place that saw the web come to life. It is also a major humanitarian center of excellence with hundreds of organizations having their headquarters around the lake. We invited speakers representing this constantly evolving field, in which solutions to complex problems don't merely improve lives, but save them.

Internet: pushing the evolving definition of what the Internet is and can be

Last but not the least, the spine of all of the above. It gave many of us our careers, our passions, and it sustains much of our daily life. We are inviting speakers who are pushing the evolving definition of what the Internet is and can be.